Floating Sculpted Space. The bronze colored facade elegantly reflects the environment
Floating Sculpted Space. The bronze colored facade elegantly reflects the environment

Floating Sculpted Space. The bronze colored facade elegantly reflects the environment

The surroundings of Pond House, a project by Baumraum studio located near Osnabrück, Germany, are elegantly reflected in the bronze-colored stainless steel façade, which changes color depending on the surrounding lights

The Pond House project stems from the client's desire to have a space where they can relax and play with their grandchildren. The house is positioned on a small pond and rests on a dynamically shaped dark grey concrete base

Floating Sculpted Space. The bronze colored facade elegantly reflects the environment

The decor is extremely minimal, featuring a large seating area, a sideboard and a wooden coffee table. The skylight is obliquely cut and allows you to observe the clear or starry sky while lying down, while a horizontal glass surface allows you to observe the surface of the pond's water

Floating Sculpted Space. The bronze colored facade elegantly reflects the environment
