
Avenida Intendente Jorge Palacios 14, 2ºB, 30003 Murcia

JAVIER PEÑA GALIANO (Murcia 1966) Architect for ETSAM in 1992 . Founder of XPIRAL innovative answers 1997 based in Murcia and Barcelona, and professor at the IAAC Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia in Barcelona .
During the last 15 years, in his teaching practice he has worked as a university professor directing his own teaching units as well as Workshops, in Universities such as MIT, IAAC, UIC-Esarq, the University of Alicante and the University of Alcalá de Henares . Recently at the IAAC he has been Master’s Director at the Self-sufficient Buildings workshop and professor of the OTF research line,  continuing an intense teaching work at the University of Alicante for 12 years, in which he undertakes his teaching research project, 'YRBG Workshop, for the future of the End-of-Career Project'.  Among the workshops stand out the V Biennale of Architecture and Design of Sao Paulo 2003, 7 'Ideas of Beauty' Madrid 2005, 'Talento y Talante' Santander 2005, SAW 2011 in Sofia and MIT-IAAC workshop together with Andrew Scott 2012 .
Since 1997 in his professional practice, as head of the XPIRAL innovative answers team, he leads the development of different proposals that explore alternatives, to adisciplinares problems, supported by new technologies and multimedia resources, beyond architecture, urbanism and design . Taking as a criterion lifelong learning and creative evolution the fact of making numerous trips around different countries, as well as the concept of 'Tuning' as an attitude to the existing reality, as an architectural, urban or territorial improvement, a design process that connects mock-ups, prototypes and factories, that combines project and material production formats.
He develops his critical practice by participating in various conferences, round tables and exhibitions, in cities such as Barcelona, Lima, London, Moscow, Madrid, Sau Paulo, Panama, Algiers...  Some of the most important exhibitions have been the Vlll Architecture Biennale in Venice 2002, the Spanish Architecture Exhibition, 'On Site' held at the MoMA in New York 2006, the Spanish architecture exhibition Open Innovation held in Panama 2011 and the exhibition '100 architects of the year' in Seoul 2012 .