Confined spaces and open up platforms, the preservation of and exposure to the landscape. The exploration of a primitive and essential architecture
Confined spaces and open up platforms, the preservation of and exposure to the landscape. The exploration of a primitive and essential architecture

Confined spaces and open up platforms, the preservation of and exposure to the landscape. The exploration of a primitive and essential architecture

On the Pacific coast of Oaxaca, in Punta Pajaros, two new housing typologies are designed to complement an existing residential complex surrounded by the prestigious architecture of Tadao Ando, Kengo Kuma, TAX, Alvaro Siza, Ambrosi Echegaray, and Aranza de Ariño

The VERTEBRAL studio, in collaboration with TAX, is designing two new brick housing typologies. The towers, in one type with a circular base, in the other square, house two bedrooms one on each floor. These overlook the landscape by reaching wide views of the sea

Confined spaces and open up platforms, the preservation of and exposure to the landscape. The exploration of a primitive and essential architecture

Adjacent to the tower, a light steel and wood structure floats on the landscape, housing the convivial area for the inhabitants who find themselves enveloped in the wild atmosphere of the place. The juxtaposition of firm and restrained volumes with the open living area becomes an opportunity to explore architecture in its most primitive and essential condition

Confined spaces and open up platforms, the preservation of and exposure to the landscape. The exploration of a primitive and essential architecture




Roma Norte, Ciudad de México