Via Antonio Zanolini, 13/3, 40126 Bologna BO, Italy

"The firm Rizoma Architetture believes in the social role of the architecture projects, thinking they are the ideal instrument through which people, thoughts, roles and activities can get in touch, creating always new interactions and stimulating contaminations.

At the root of Rizoma Architetture’s creativity and projects there is the principle of Mix&Match, that allows to model innovative shapes for living and to create spaces of sociality: hospitality, co-living, coworking, student housing, senior housing, cohousing, food&beverage for Rizoma Architetture are not only planning categories, but crossroads where the global community can find its own housing dimension, and live, work, exchange experiences and emotions with the rest of the world.

Rizoma Architetture believes in a hybrid future (both physical and digital) and in the cultural contamination, creating, in each architecture project, the condition on which all this can “happen”: now it’s time to take care of ourselves, to put together, to stay together, now it’s time to build new community relationships, now it’s the moment of Togetherness."


Custom-made design venue for TSH Collab in Florence. A creative hub dedicated to coworking in an international and innovative climate

Custom-made design venue for TSH Collab in Florence. A creative hub dedicated to coworking in an international and innovative climate

Within the new facilities of The Student Hotel, among the spaces for communal activities that add up to long-term and short-term hospitality, the most important is certainly dedicated to the world of work. The ideal venue for creatives, startuppers and young "revolutionaries" is the coworking hub Collab

University Campus CX Turin Regina. Neither a simple hotel nor a dormitory, but a space interconnected with the city

University Campus CX Turin Regina. Neither a simple hotel nor a dormitory, but a space interconnected with the city

The CX Turin Regina project opens its doors within a building overlooking the Po River, which previously housed the Turin institution Edizioni San Paolo. It is the first structure to be opened after the company's Campus X rebranding, embodying its evolution in Turin with 89 student rooms and 32 hotel-use rooms

What is LIFE like in Rome? Here a restaurant is never just a restaurant

What is LIFE like in Rome? Here a restaurant is never just a restaurant

How do people experience daily life and nightlife in the Eternal City? VITA restaurant embodies the spirit of true Italian hospitality: it is a place where you can enter even alone and always find someone to have an exchange with; a place where you can stop for a few minutes for a quick meal or until the early hours of the morning for a long dinner