Studio Piraccini
Via Luigi Carlo Farini, 90, 47522 Cesena FC, Italia
Studio Piraccini, based in Cesena, was founded in 2001. The studio works internationally on cultural, residential and commercial projects, providing complete architectural and interior design for both the public and private sectors. One of its main features is to have significant experience on Passive House design. Studio Piraccini is committed to safeguarding the environment and using natural and cultural resources intelligently, believes that societies around the world are experiencing a change in attitude, worrying only about surviving on earth while the studio instead tries to put attention to the things that can be done to change the way we live, to make the earth survive. Embracing this change and trying to improve the impact of design and sustainable development are the basic principles of the practice. They believe it is more important to diminish in meaning, giving more potential to sustainability ideas and the power to enrich and expand our culture and our architectural language. They are an interdisciplinary team and with the research group of the University of Bologna, they design to preserve the harmony between buildings and all the elements during the planning process: materials, shapes, dimensions, are chosen step by step, without neglecting cost and environmental impact. Through their design tools they are able to simulate the earthquake, the action of the wind, using the latest generation 3D modeler. Great attention is paid to the design and colors of the lights, taking care of the search for innovative and natural materials. The Studio has won many national competitions and many national awards and citations for design excellence