Iconic maritime centre in Rotterdam. Organic building contrasts with the port's industrial design
Iconic maritime centre in Rotterdam. Organic building contrasts with the port's industrial design

Iconic maritime centre in Rotterdam. Organic building contrasts with the port's industrial design

Mecanoo architecten designs the iconic Maritime Centre Rotterdam, a place for maritime entrepreneurs, science and culture, shaped like an elegant ribbon wrapping around several pavilions and structuring the shape of the building

The new design with its organic triple-helix forms contrasts strongly with the rational and industrial design of the place. The centre will be accessible to the public and will offer places to stay both on and under water

Iconic maritime centre in Rotterdam. Organic building contrasts with the port's industrial design

The centre will connect to the Rijnhaven's quayside path and the various paths designed on the water. As part of the building is underwater, the project is not too large in terms of size and scale compared to the harbour, except at low tide when the underwater part becomes visible

Iconic maritime centre in Rotterdam. Organic building contrasts with the port's industrial design

The underwater spaces are ideal for exhibitions, thanks to the indirect light filtering through round skylights projecting above the water. A multi-layered pathway running under, along and over the building gives the project shape and structure: an elegant ribbon wraps around the pavilions and stimulates interaction between the different components of the project

Iconic maritime centre in Rotterdam. Organic building contrasts with the port's industrial design
