Public gardens
Public gardens

Renewal of the Dante Square in Trento. Water games upgrade the urban garden

The garden south of Dante Square in Trento has been renovated by the Raro Studio, whose project enhances the presence of the pond with water games and by redesigning the surrounding areas as reception and gathering places

The garden to the south of Dante Square is the area of the original "Tamanini project" and still has the sign of the ancient waterway engraved on its surface

Renovated historical gardens

When the Adigetto canal was submerged in 1955, a small lake was built on the surface, with a dilated shape with respect to the length of the canal and crossed by a small ford bridge

Renovated historical gardens

This presence is considered to be of considerable importance, not only for its naturalistic or scenic reference, but also for its symbolic and evocative value, which makes us feel the ancient "presence" of the Adige River

Renovated historical gardens

The project therefore plans to enhance the presence of the pond with water games and by redesigning the shores as reception areas

Renovated historical gardens
