l'atelier Nomadic Architecture Studio
"L’atelier is the first-ever nomadic architecture studio. With roots on the European continent, we collaborate and co-create with a global team spread across the world. For the moment, we have hubs in Brussels, Paris, Marseille, Buenos Aires and Berlin.
l’atelier is nomadic. We do not have an official workspace. We work on site, in co-working spaces, cafés, on dropbox, at the train station, on zoom. But we do have a list of favourite places: Berlin is where we feel home, Brussels is where we interact with inspiring architects, Switzerland is home to our mentors, Albania is where we find inspiration, Paris is where we have most of our clients, Buenos Aires is home to some of our best architects…"
“My workspace is my bag. It contains all an architect needs today: A laptop, a phone, chargers, batteries, a laser, a meter, a sketchbook, several pens, a folder with admin documents, a folder with work in progress and presentations. In addition, there is space for extra clothes a toothbrush, toothpaste.” (Pierre Escobar, founder and owner in an interview with Kontextur)