Bela Vista à Lapa Apartment. Cooking and eating as the center of social and family life
Bela Vista à Lapa Apartment. Cooking and eating as the center of social and family life

Bela Vista à Lapa Apartment. Cooking and eating as the center of social and family life

L'Appartement Bela Vista à Lapa est la rénovation d'un appartement des années 50 à Lisbonne. Grâce à la démolition sélective des murs qui constituent sa structure, il est possible de réaliser le souhait du client d'avoir un grand espace pour la socialisation comme centre de la maison.

Originally, the Bela Vista à Lapa Apartment, was in good condition, with a distinct and binding structure made of reinforced concrete floors supported by all the brick partition walls, which are structural

Bela Vista à Lapa Apartment. Cooking and eating as the center of social and family life

In the renovation designed by Aurora Arquitectos, through selective demolitions, the dining room and kitchen are strategically placed at the center of the home: much like in an old rural kitchen, the act of cooking and eating together reclaim a central role in social and family life

Bela Vista à Lapa Apartment. Cooking and eating as the center of social and family life

The new openings, arranged in a regular pattern, enhance the flow and visual connectivity across the spaces. The shape of these openings, like portals, emphasizes and ritualizes the passage

Bela Vista à Lapa Apartment. Cooking and eating as the center of social and family life

In the renovation, the same original materials of the house were used - pine wood, Lioz limestone, Negro de Mem Martins, and hand-painted tiles - using design to infuse them with a modern touch

Bela Vista à Lapa Apartment. Cooking and eating as the center of social and family life
