House renovation projects and residential building redevelopment

Reinterpret spaces, giving them new life and functionality in environments and historic buildings. Renovation projects for houses and historic building redevelopment are the focus of this section of articles on arkitectureonweb. An overview of beauty and reinterpretation where renovation projects for houses or apartments examine the before and after of the intervention. Insights from the elegance of the past reinterpreted in modernity, solutions that preserve the historical essence with contemporary touches.

All house renovation projects, before and after

The artistic transformation of spaces, balancing style and functionality, creates homes and places steeped in history but designed for the future. Discover the before and after of the renovation of residential houses and buildings on arkitectureonweb and be inspired for your future redevelopment projects.

Renovation of a penthouse in Valencia: Casa Cas 8, between mosaics and oak wood

House Cas 8: recovery of the original attic mosaics in Valencia

Preserving the original character of the house while adapting it to a more contemporary lifestyle was the main goal of the architectural intervention for the renovation of Casa Cas 8.

A circular renovation in De Moer: innovation and sustainability

A circular renovation in De Moer: innovation and sustainability

The renovation project of the house with office in De Moer is an example of how sustainable architecture can turn challenges into opportunities. Through innovative solutions such as the refurbishment of window frames and the integration of a solar roof, this intervention not only complies with energy regulations, but also looks to the future with an ecological and circular vision. A project that inspires and demonstrates that sustainability can be achieved without compromising aesthetics and functionality.

Apartment renovation CF, from ordinary to extraordinary

Apartment renovation CF, from ordinary to extraordinary

The renovation of existing buildings can involve invasive interventions, especially when it comes to redistributing internal spaces and renewing systems. In the Apartment Renovation CF, while keeping the original openings almost identical, the architectural firm L2 has designed a new layout of spaces that revolve around a corner bar sculpted in concrete. A distinctive element with a strong visual impact.

The photographic documentation of the rebirth of Torre Fara

The photographic documentation of the rebirth of Torre Fara

Fara Tower, which majestically stands on the Ligurian beach of the municipality of Chiavari since 1935, is the protagonist of a photographic project following its renovation that does not distort, but enhances, the rationalist architecture by which it is characterized.

Bright historic dwelling

Can Blasco-Nicolau, the large summer residence transforms

In Sant Mori, a rural Spanish village protected in Empordà, the architecture firm MESURA transforms a large family summer residence into a permanent residence for two, reducing the living space to just a small portion

In a Liberty-style building in Milan the Majno 23 apartment is reborn

In a Liberty-style building in Milan the Majno 23 apartment is reborn

Immersed in the avenues of Milan city center, a splendid Art Nouveau palace from the 1920s houses the apartment which, thanks to skillful renovation, is transformed into the modern residence Majno 23: a mix of antique and contemporary design that composes the home of a family of professionals

House Renovation IV, exposed brick walls and vaulted roof

House renovation IV, exposed brick walls and vaulted roof

In the city of Elche, in the province of Alicante, the MESURA studio expands and transforms a traditional house from the 80s, reinterpreting the local building tradition, celebrating the external social culture, and restructuring a large plot of land.

EXPO KAHRS Cosmarredi in the renovated historic building in Cittanova

EXPO KAHRS Cosmarredi in the renovated historic building in Cittanova

In the historic center of Cittanova, a municipality in the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria, southern Italy, a historic building is the subject of a valorization project for the installation of the EXPO KAHRS Cosmarredi

Three Epochs: three buildings in harmony

Three Epochs: three buildings in harmony

Three Epochs is the renovation project of three rural buildings located in the lower Valtellina, in the Cech coast. A territory of small rural villages more or less inhabited, with clusters of stone houses once used for seasonal stays and born on the edge of vineyards, with the purpose of being used by those who worked in the vineyard. Over the years, habits and traditions have changed and these small historic villages have been abandoned. A building heritage to be recovered and given new life.

Nani Palace in Venice: from historic residence to luxury hotel

Nani Palace in Venice: from historic residence to luxury hotel

The historic residence Palazzo Nani, a noble building from the sixteenth century overlooking the Cannaregio Canal in Venice, is now a Radisson Collection Hotel, a five-star luxury property. This project, overseen by Studio Marco Piva for interior design, Venice Plan for architecture and site management, and Sirecon for restoration, was carried out under the supervision of the Superintendence for Fine Arts and Landscape for the Municipality of Venice, ensuring the preservation of the property's historical value.

Rationalist Villa for Olivetti. Between conservation and innovation

Villa Rossi: renovation between conservation and innovation

In the heart of Ivrea, a city that has marked the history of modern industry under the vision of Adriano Olivetti, lies Villa Rossi, a 20th-century architectural gem included in the core zone of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. This article explores the complex restoration project, illustrating a perfect balance between modernization and historical preservation.

Redevelopment of a Czech building complex on Stefanikova street

Redevelopment of a Czech building complex on Stefanikova street

On Stefanikova Street, city of Trnava, an old housing building of Gothic origin, with added Baroque elements, was partially reconstructed in 1930 and expanded by a separate south wing

From a 1920s villa, elegance and brightness create Casa Pri

From a 1920s villa, elegance and brightness create Casa Pri

Casa Pri is a truly unique residence: an independent four-story house, located in the exclusive pre-hill area of Turin overlooking the river, with the typical Turin style from the early 1900s. The project enhances its historical features and adds a contemporary touch that "feels like home"

Renovation of the Piknic 2020 Cultural center in Seoul

Renovation of the Piknic 2020 Cultural Center in Seoul

The renovation involves a Goshiwon (a shared house) built of red brick in 1990 at the foot of Seoul Namsan Mountain that is being transformed into the Piknic 2020 Cultural center: a complex cultural venue that coexists with a cinema hall, bar, restaurant, and designer stores

From the recovery of history, the contemporary living of Casa Citerna

From the recovery of history, the contemporary living of Casa Citerna

Casa Citerna is born from the renovation and energy requalification of a portion of a historic building, located in the Florentine Chianti area, Italy, strongly altered in its historical characteristics by the interventions suffered during the 20th century


Apartment renovation projects to give new life to spaces

Renovation reshapes spaces skillfully, harmoniously, reinterpreting habitability and giving new trends to the approach to environments. In the renovation projects for houses selected by arkitectureonweb, discover how spaces take on new forms. Renovation projects for historic buildings, hotels, cinemas, garages: new life for ancient volumes.