House renovation projects and residential building redevelopment

Reinterpret spaces, giving them new life and functionality in environments and historic buildings. Renovation projects for houses and historic building redevelopment are the focus of this section of articles on arkitectureonweb. An overview of beauty and reinterpretation where renovation projects for houses or apartments examine the before and after of the intervention. Insights from the elegance of the past reinterpreted in modernity, solutions that preserve the historical essence with contemporary touches.

All house renovation projects, before and after

The artistic transformation of spaces, balancing style and functionality, creates homes and places steeped in history but designed for the future. Discover the before and after of the renovation of residential houses and buildings on arkitectureonweb and be inspired for your future redevelopment projects.

"Bedroom in the middle" project: from dark basement house to a luxurious pied a terre

“Bedroom in the middle” is the renovation project of a low-light apartment in the center of Amsterdam, featuring a series of small rooms, into a pied a terre embellished with fine finishes ideal for a couple who frequent the city on weekends

Rooftop redevelopment of the Boutique Hotel

Rooftop redevelopment of the Boutique Hotel "I Bastioni San Domenico". Project A.D. 1517, a dive into Italian past

In 2021, at the Boutique Hotel "I Bastioni San Domenico", it feels like diving into 1517, when three friars from S. Domenico arrived in Gallipoli with the task of founding their own community. Here on the rooftop terrace of the Boutique Hotel "I Bastioni San Domenico", overlooking the sea, the project A.D. 1517 was born

Historic shopping center integrated into the urban fabric with new

Historic shopping center integrated into the urban fabric with new "pixel" aesthetics. Renovation of the Citic Square

Dynamic and futuristic, the renovation of the Citic Square, a two-decade-old shopping center in Shanghai, transforms it into a modern-style destination. Breaking the square silhouette of the shopping center through "pixels" that seem to float, the new architecture integrates with the historical surroundings, opening up new vistas and possibilities.

The renovation of the Apartment H in Bratislava's Old Town. A rational layout and a contrast between the white and the primary colors

The renovation of the Apartment H in Bratislava's Old Town. A rational layout and a contrast between the white and the primary colors

Apartment H is located along Medena Street in a 1940s building in the historic part of Bratislava. The three-room dwelling lacks the high ceilings and axial enfilade typical of surrounding apartments dating from the first Czechoslovak Republic (1918 - 1938). Despite this, with its rational layout, the apartment remains evocative of these same spatial principles

Bistrot of the Artists' House set between industrial workshop vibes under a domestic touch and urban nursery

Bistrot of the Artists' House set between industrial workshop vibes under a domestic touch and urban nursery

In Milan, the Bistrot of the Casa degli Artisti is the beating heart of the residence: meeting place, filter of access to the magnificent garden, element of reference for the public and domestic hearth of its inhabitants

A house project for a brother and sister: preserving the frugality of the past while adding new freedom

A house project for a brother and sister: preserving the frugality of the past while adding new freedom

A house for a brother and sister. A house, but not quite: a place with a free identity, which is not identified from the role of dwelling while remaining a space for relationships where memories can be built

Lavender in Valdarno. The renovation of two residential units out in the Tuscan countryside

Lavender in Valdarno. The renovation of two residential units out in the Tuscan countryside

From the passionate search for the right property in the area surrounding the upper Valdarno (Arezzo) comes Lavanda in Valdarno, the renovation project developed for a couple of clients for the realization of two buildings, both distributed on two levels: a larger one, the "villa," for the family and the other somewhat smaller, the "barn," a precious guest house

Four patios for the recovered and expanded Rates House: oases of intimacy which overlook the street and garden

Four patios for the recovered and expanded Rates House: oases of intimacy which overlook the street and garden

In São Pedro de Rates, Portugal, an existing stone house in dilapidated condition but with historically valuable elements is transformed into the Rates House, doubling its size and offering the developer a valuable home

Bespoke paneling and optimized spaces: Contaminations, fine renovation of a family apartment in Bari, Italy

Bespoke paneling and optimized spaces: Contaminations, fine renovation of a family apartment in Bari, Italy

Contaminations is a renovation project of a 90-square-meter apartment in which the precious boiserie distributes and at the same time hides the spaces of the house

SPINTO (POUSSé) in high rise. An extension of a family home for more intimacy and comfort

SPINTO (POUSSé) in high rise. An extension of a family home for more intimacy and comfort

SPINTO (POUSSé) is the project to enlarge the house in which a couple with two children have been living for 5 years in Montrouge

In the Susa Valley, a new

In the Susa Valley, a new "shared living" model offered by Casa Giaglione

From an old mountain chalet in northern Italy comes Casa Giaglione, which, equipped with autonomous housing units, proposes a new use of common spaces for leisure and smart working, rethought to give life to shared premises that can be aggregated with each other through co-housing modalities. In the Susa Valley, the foundations are being laid for a new return to small rural and mountain centers

Renovation of a Central Office. The metal facades take inspiration from the industrial vocation of the place

Renovation of a Central Office. The metal facades take inspiration from the industrial vocation of the place

The Central Office stands on Metalo street in Kirtimai, an urban municipality in Vilnius, Lithuania. Its new appearance celebrates the name of the street to which it belongs and the functionality of the building, which in an almost ascetic manner rejects decoration for its own sake

A makeover from an early 20th-century barn to a family home in Pennsylvania

A makeover from an early 20th-century barn to a family home in Pennsylvania

"If you're going to go through all these problems, then you're going to want to live there," Daniela Holt Voith, founding partner and design director of Voith & Mactavish Architects, tells her client, referring to the renovation. The early 20th-century barn, used until the intervention as a play and guest space, is adjacent to the farmhouse that has been the family's main home for 25 years

Villa Mylae. The design of a Mediterranean house in the Myth area

Villa Mylae. The design of a Mediterranean house in the Myth area

Villa Mylae was born from the renovation and recasting of two pre-existing buildings, one in masonry from the late nineteenth century, recklessly remodeled over time, and the other in more recent reinforced concrete, born unauthorized then sanitized, and without any architectural connotation. The particular constraining and landscape conditions, combined with the foresight of the client, allowed for design experimentation in an integral and integrated logic

A home for all seasons. Seacoast vacations an evocative and welcoming environment

A home for all seasons. Seacoast vacations an evocative and welcoming environment

A house for all seasons is the architectural design for the renovation of an apartment at Lido di Spina in the province of Ferrara, Italy


Apartment renovation projects to give new life to spaces

Renovation reshapes spaces skillfully, harmoniously, reinterpreting habitability and giving new trends to the approach to environments. In the renovation projects for houses selected by arkitectureonweb, discover how spaces take on new forms. Renovation projects for historic buildings, hotels, cinemas, garages: new life for ancient volumes.