Via Luigi Devoto, 8, 20133 Milano MI, Italia
About Chroma Studio Chroma Studio is the multidisciplinary studio of two young designers and artists who have combined their multiple and different skills to approach the world of design in a totally innovative way. Giuseppe Albanese graduated at the IED in Milan, with a course of study that led him to work first as an interior designer for various Milanese studios while continuing his work as a freelance 3D modeller. Although the Milanese market is always at the forefront, he decided to explore new spaces by working as a Planner, Interior Designer and Project Manger in the United Arab Emirates. Elga graduated in scenography in Bari with a specialisation in Brera, a passion that she continues to cultivate by working as Art Director in the Product Design sector. Chroma Studio was born from the union of these two multifaceted artists, whose design focuses on the use of colour and material, where neutral and white spaces are nothing but neutral canvases to be filled for them. Through the skilful use of colour, the design of their spaces seems to acquire a new dynamism in which even the energetic study of colours becomes an integral part of the preliminary research: a colour can make us feel and behave differently, which is why it’s important to use it in the correct way according to the function and the personality. Hence the name of their company